南开大学王红教授来我院作学术报告—Hamilton-Jacobi Theorems and Nonholonomic Hamiltonian Reductions
发布人:数学与统计学院  发布时间:2017-11-17   浏览次数:712


         报告题目:Hamilton-Jacobi Theorems and Nonholonomic Hamiltonian Reductions

         摘要:Hamilton-Jacobi theorem reveals the deeply internal relationship between the generating function and the dynamical vector field of a Hamiltonian system. Because of the restriction given by constraints, in general, the dynamical vector field of a nonholonomic Hamiltonian system is not Hamiltonian, however, it can be described by the dynamical vector field of a distributional Hamiltonian system. In this report, we introduce briefly some recent developments of Hamilton-Jacobi theory for Hamiltonian system, the distributional Hamiltonian system and the nonholonomic reduced distributional Hamiltonian system.





         1992年毕业于复旦大学数学研究所获理学博士学位,从师于胡和生院士。研究方向:微分几何。毕业后一直从事数学专业的本科、研究生的教学和科研工作。 1997年12月晋升为教授,1999年12月遴选为博士生导师。 2001年7月至今,在南开大学数学科学学院工作,任教授、应用数学专业博士生导师。
